Tuesday, March 17, 2009

60 Things

New city, new school, new blog.

Starting with 60 Things I'm Grateful For, as inspired by Jessi's blog.

1. 70 degree days starting in February (Yay Front Range weather!)
2. Free bagels on Tuesday mornings when I'm forced into 8 am lectures
3. Long walks through Chatauqua open space and overlooking Boulder with Phil
4. Happy hours out with the girls, and sharing hummus!
5. Free coffee refills
6. Free french fries at Southern Sun while waiting a ridiculously long time for a table
7. (stealing this from Jessi) Target clearance
8. Long runs followed by longer showers and even longer lunches
9. Lyrical interpretation discussions with anyone, but especially deciphering Tallest Man on Earth with Phil
10. Teaching Homer how to fetch with the Chuck-It in the dog park by my parent's house
11. Perfecting scone recipes (winner: whole wheat pear walnut made with Bob's Red Mill pastry flour)
12. Cooking for people
13. Cooking with my mom
14. Cooking with Phil
15. Planning to visit Montana again, and looking forward to being able to grab a beer with the gang!
16. Curry
17. Spending time with my family
18. The excellent care that I received from Laura and Tori on my birthday
19. Farmer's markets on weekend mornings
20. Planning to raise chickens
21. Farm fresh eggs from Kirk
22. Going to silly movies with the girls and eating gobs and gobs of candy
23. Getting dressed up once in a blue moon
24. Whenever I trim my bangs and they look better for it
25. Glacier Ice Cream. Oh man. Ohhhh man.
26. Stuffwhitepeoplelike.com
27. Dreaming up different kinds of pizzas with Phil
28. My ability to write papers very quickly, especially for classes that are based on one or two papers for the final grade
29. My very handy, very red, very built-with-love road bike
30. Grocery shopping
31. A well made mojito. Normal kind. Well...pomegranate is good.
32. Planning a nerdy high school throwback weekend with Kay. 18 hours of programming to get through. Just hand me the Phish Food and the Swiss Cake Rolls.
33. The Jesuits and the work they do
34. Reading old journal entries from 6th grade
35. Losing myself in a new book
36. Real and true friends, the honest, caring, loving ones that make you realize that you're awesome just the way you are. I'm pretty lucky to have a prized handful sprinkled about the country.
37. Getting lunch with my dad
38. Muir Glen Fire Roasted tomatoes
39. That I've been able to keep growing my hair out! I'm so patient! It's clearly a sign of increased maturity.
40. My mom's scrapbooks. I hope that creativity is somewhere in my genetic makeup.
41. Catching up with old friends over beverages
42. Conspiracy theories
43. Planning to go to Comic-Con 2009 with Kay
44. Looking at Landandfarm. com with Phil and dreaming of living on a big ol' farm
45. Little towns found on road trips
46. McDonald's coffee...so surprisingly delicious, I'm wonderfully shocked every time
47. Leaf Vegetarian Restaurant. If I don't get hired there, I will maybe cry.
48. Zooming down long hills on my bike, gripping the drops, and stopping very suddenly behind unsuspecting pedestrians with my squeaky brakes. Am I mean?
49. My new trail running shoes. They look like mermaid fins. You wouldn't understand.
50. Discussing metaphors in literature
51. Talking about old Nickelodeon shows with anyone who remembers them.
52. Dinner with Phil and his awesome neighbors, Gwen and Steve, that takes 3 hours
53. Watching the Food Network and wishing I could go to Ina's dinner parties
54. My computer still plugging along even though it is nearing the end of its days
55. Good Jewish delis. Mmm latkes.
56. Drinking Pipeline Porter on a sunny lawn
57. Sundresses!
58. Giving gifts to people for no good reason
59. Drinking tea and watching the Office with Phil
60. Lazy days that feel so complete